martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

Melodías Pizarras Vol 554

4 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for posting these. Any chance of adding titles again like you used to do?

  2. What I meant was for the mp3 files that are contained in your downloads to have meaningful file names. For years, up through Vol 510 last year, the individual files were named with the artist and song title and the same info was posted on the blog. Since then, it's all without titles (sin titulos) - the file names now are a meaningless 1.mp3, 2.mp3, etc. I wouldn't mind renaming the files myself but I haven't found a site anywhere that lists the individual songs in each program. In fact, it was that specific thing that made your downloads so special. I still download your archives and love hearing the songs, but for most of them, I no longer have any idea who is singing or what the titles of these songs are.

  3. Unfortunately the radio station that broadcasts the programs has stopped putting the titles and authors of each song so I can not identify them. So sorry very much
